Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Bad news at the end of year



23.12.2002 15:45

(akt. 01.01.2019 05:25)

Unfortunately, financial mess in club can be the reason of sad Christmas for Legia Warszawa. According to Przegląd Sportowy at the beginning of January players will probably get 10 percent of the Championship prize. But they want to get 30% and we can' t be sure that they won' t strike. The sitation of playing staff is also unpredictable. CLub won' t afford to buy any new players, only to loan them. Legia' s captain Cezary Kucharski can leave the club and move to D.C. United during the winter break. We hope that the new 2003 year will be lucky for Legia


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