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Celtic can be springboard for Boruc

Joanna Oledzka


14.07.2005 02:17

(akt. 28.12.2018 06:38)

Former Legia goalkeeper <b>Artur Boruc</b> has outlined his determination to oust <b>Jerzy Dudek</b> from the Poland team in time for the World Cup finals. Boruc completed his move to Parkhead yesterday when the Legia Warsaw No1 sealed a 12-month loan deal with the option of a longer contract. He believes the move to Scotland will help put pressure on Dudek.
Boruc, 25, who will contest the No1 jersey with Scotland international David Marshall, may only have joined on a year-long loan, but Celtic have an exclusive option to make the move permanent afterwards. Peter Lawwell, the Parkhead chief executive, said: "Many deals are done on that basis in the footballing world, particularly in Scotland. We have agreed a fee so if things do work out then we will take that option." Manager Gordon Strachan was able to make Boruc his fourth summer capture after negotiations to sign Antti Niemi from Southampton broke down over a price. But Lawwell insisted Boruc was not a second-class signing. He said: "The way you go through these things is that you have a number of options for positions. Antti Niemi was on the list but Artur was certainly not second choice. In fact he was probably one of the first on the list way back in early June."


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