Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Legia - Polonia 1:0

Joanna Oledzka


30.09.2005 11:36

(akt. 27.12.2018 13:26)

In 45th Warsaw derby Legia defeated Polonia Warszawa 1:0. The hosts had the best of the first half chances, but both <b>Sebastian Szalachowski</b> and <b>Piotr Wlodarczyk</b> failed to finish their actions. A minute into the break Legia defender <b>Mirko Poledica</b> crashed to the ground after being gently pushed by <b>Igor Golaszewski</b>. The referee pointed to the spot and Wlodarczyk put the home side ahead.
In the second half Legia enjoyed more of the ball and the visitors rarely troubled the goal of Lukasz Fabianski. On 77 minutes Legia fans threw dozens of flares onto the pitch and the meeting was halted. The referee resumed the game after several minutes, but the result did not change. Legia - Lukasz Fabianski, Jakub Rzezniczak, Wojciech Szala, Marcin Roslon, Mirko Poledica, Bartosz Karwan (57' Tomasz Sokolowski), Marcin Burkhardt (72' Aleksandar Vukovic), Lukasz Surma, Tomasz Kielbowicz, Sebastian Szalachowski (83' Marcin Chmiest), Piotr Wlodarczyk Polonia - Pawel Kieszek, Jacek Moryc, Wojciech Szymanek, Slawomir Jarczyk, Luis Swisher (81' Krzysztof Nykiel), Igor Golaszewski, Dariusz Dzwigala, Krzysztof Bak, Piotr Stokowiec (46' Antoni Lukasiewicz), Jacek Kosmalski, Ensar Arifovic


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