Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Poland - Belarus 1:3 (0:1)

Adam Dawidziuk

Źródło: PZPN

09.02.2005 22:14

(akt. 29.12.2018 18:20)

Poland national team was defeated by Belarus 1:3 (0:1) in today’s friendly match played in Grodzisk Wielkopolski. The visitors opened the scoring in the 8th after a shot by <b>Aleksander Hleb</b>. <b>Maciej Zurawski</b> scored an equaliser in the 51st minute. Seven minutes before the end of the game <b>Viatcheslav Hleb</b> gave Belarusian side the lead, and in the third minute of the extra time <b>Andrej Lawrik</b> sealed the result. Legia goalkeeper, <b>Artur Boruc</b> appeared on the pitch after the interval as a substitute for <b>Jerzy Dudek</b>.
Poland: Jerzy Dudek (46' Artur Boruc) - Michal Zewlakow, Dariusz Zuraw, Tomasz Klos (46' Tomasz Hajto), Tomasz Rzasa - Radoslaw Kaluzny (46' Arkadiusz Radomski), Sebastian Mila, Kamil Kosowski (46' Damian Gorawski), Jacek Krzynowek (80' Marcin Zajac) - Maciej Zurawski, Tomasz Frankowski (66' Grzegorz Rasiak). RESERVE PLAYERS: Marcin Baszczynski, Arkadiusz Glowacki.


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