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Poland to host Euro 2012?

Marcin Golebiewski


13.01.2005 21:51

(akt. 30.12.2018 02:23)

If the Prime Minister provides the state warranty, Poland and Ukraine will submit a joint bid to stage Euro 2012. On Wednesday, a special delegation from our co-host held on a meeting with Jacek Kluczkowski, the chief of the PM advisory team and <b>Wieslaw Wilczynski</b>, Vice-Minister of Education and Sport. The Polish government will debate over the warranties for the event on 25th.
If the answer is: "yes", the Polish Football Federation (PZPN) and the Ukrainian Football Federation will submit the bid to the European Football Association (UEFA). According to the president of PZPN, Michał Listkiewicz, the Polish Prime Minister fully backed the idea. The bids to stage Euro 2012 have to be placed by the end of January. In November UEFA is to choose three best candidates. The final decision is to be made in 2010. Italy, Greece, Russia, Scotland and Hungary are the other countries currently in contention.


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