Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Stanford is sick of reserves

Adam Dawidziuk

Źródło: Fakt

13.01.2005 06:57

(akt. 30.12.2018 02:27)

<b>Eddie Stanford</b> was one of the best players of Legia reserves. But the first team coaches didn’t get him too many opportunities to present his assets in the Polish Ektraklasa. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if he left the club. – No one in Legia explained to him what’s wrong. And Eddie didn’t ask, but simply worked his tail off during the training sessions. I told him to stop a bit, do not train too hard. But he won’t listen. He never gives up – revealed the footballer’s father, <b>Marcin Bidzinski</b>.
- The coaches wish me well - assured Eddie, but it is clearly visible that the decision about delegating him to the second team was a painful news for the boy. Legia managers want to give him on loan so that he could gain experience and play more. Stanford signed with Legia a 5-years contract. It is certain that if he was to change the colours, it would be some other Polish club. He doesn’t want to hear the word “England”. - I asked him about it, but he said: "Kiss my..." - added Eddie’s father.


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