Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Tough opponent at Lazienkowska

Joanna Oledzka


19.08.2005 16:52

(akt. 27.12.2018 22:17)

Tomorrow at 6 p.m. Legia Warszawa face one of their strongest opponents for the past several seasons, Groclin Grodzisk Wlkp. The home side have not triumphed in the last eight matches against their tomorrow's rival. The task ahead is certainly a difficult one, but fortunately coach <b>Jacek Zielinski</b> may add four fresh players to his squad, including two newcomers, <b>Moussa Ouattara</b> and <b>Marcin Burkhardt</b>.
In addition, both Wojciech Szala and Pawel Kaczorowski have recovered from their injuries.


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