Domyślne zdjęcie Legia.Net

Legia play Bayer 04 Leverkusen

Joanna Oledzka


11.07.2005 14:47

(akt. 28.12.2018 07:20)

Tomorrow at 8:20 p.m. Legia Warszawa and Bayer 04 Leverkusen play a friendly game in Warsaw. The meeting was initiated by STOEN SA, member of the international RWE Group – the main sponsor of Bayer 04 Leverkusen. Ticket proceeds will be donated to STOEN's Orliki programme for supporting young football players. Both teams announced that they will put forward their best players, including Bayer's Polish star <b>Jacek Krzynowek</b>.
"STOEN joined the international RWE Group two years ago. This has provided us with variety of new opportunities – as you can see, not only strictly related to business. I am glad that STOEN and RWE organised this spectacular sports event as well as a social programme to support young football players from Warsaw's clubs," says Christian Hövelhaus, Board Member responsible for the Sales Department. The organisers are anticipating a large turnout – tickets are available already at PLN 20 in the bleachers and PLN 40 in the grandstand and in front. Tickets will be available in Legia's box office from 4 to 12 July, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and from 10 a.m. on the day of the game. Additional attractions are planned during the event. "We hope that football fans will be in for a spectacular sports event. We are playing against very good opponent whose team will feature the leading players in Europe. The audience will also have an opportunity to see Legia's new players for the first time in the season, and the transfer window has only just begun. But most importantly, the proceeds will go towards a very important goal – the support for beginner players," says Piotr Zygo, Chairman of Legia Warszawa Football Club. The entire ticket proceeds will support STOEN's Orliki social programme. The objective of the scheme is to select the most talented players from Warsaw-based clubs before the onset of their professional career and to provide them with ample opportunities to develop their potential. The coaches from Warsaw-based clubs will select the most talented players born in 1995 who have limited access to expensive football equipment. STOEN's Orliki programme will cover the costs of football gear and training camps for the most gifted young players.


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